Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Who you?

I received a mail few days ago and that guy( I assume its a guy) showed me some pictures. Its not nude lady picture but Coke. For you to know, I started collecting coke since last year. He showed me some Coke from China with the 5 Olympic mascot on it. DAMM IT!!!! I dont have it in my collection yet!

He is not selling it to me but he asked me to add him on MSN and play a game with him. =/ I added him but yet to start the game with him yet. Till now.. Let him hold the cokes as hostage first. Dun worry "cokie", I'll save you from him soon.. with the Hello Kitties I hope :)

Since the coke's from China, I guess its my friend who is playing a joke on me. But dun care lar... I'll still get it from him. Hehehe..

Show you all my collection next time =D


  1. can we get them in msia market? i want i want i want....

  2. Msia tarak.. hehe.. See if i can get 2 sets :)

  3. aww 2 sets? whose another set?
